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No-Cost Digital Lessons

SmartEconomics: Economic Lesson Plans for Middle Schoolers

Economic Concepts for Middle School Students

Trusted by 60,000+ Educators

SmartEconomics: Economics for Middle School, a MassMutual Foundation program, is a digital course that empowers middle school students to analyze the economy and identify factors that impact the price of consumer goods. Through a story-based narrative and interactive exercises, students learn to make real-life decisions that require the understanding of key economic concepts.

  • Supply and Demand
  • Taxes
  • Trade
  • Buying and Selling

Course Snapshot

  • Target Students

    Grades 6-8

  • Curriculum

    Economics, Business or Social Studies, Career Readiness

  • Time

    8-10 Minutes / 3 Lessons / 30 Minutes

Exploring the Key Pillars of Smart Economics

Access and Accountability

Asynchronous learning allows for lessons anytime, anywhere with built-in assessments and real-time grading.

Turnkey Lessons

Gamified financial skills in a fail-safe environment. Teachers receive lesson plans, activities, & discussion guides, too.

Implementation Support

Our regional support team guides teachers every step of the way, through on-demand training and professional learning events.

Trusted By 60,000+ Educators Across North America

Many students were like 'oh my gosh, i get this' and they were excited to use some of the information they learned. Some of them started bank accounts and they were planning for their future - it was really exciting!

Holly Vordenberg
Family & Consumer Science Teacher, Amherst, NH

At the end of the year, I had a lot of students tell me this was the most impactful lesson that we had. It was the one they enjoyed the most, it was the one they felt they learned the most in, and they felt was going to help them the most in their future.

Jacob Short
Middle School Math Teacher, Dallas, TX

Frequently Asked Questions

The MassMutual Foundation has partnered with EVERFI to fund FutureSmart for your school or district. Through this multi-year commitment, the MassMutual Foundation provides all middle school teachers and administrators the assurance that SmartEconomics can be launched at scale and even written into the curriculum.

FutureSmart's lessons are aligned to Jump$tart Coalition’s National Standards for K-12 Personal Finance Education, National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies, and State Academic Standards. EVERFI provides comprehensive curriculum guides and standards alignment guides to help you plan for implementation.

EVERFI helps teachers, schools, and districts bring real-world skills to students. Thanks to partners, we provide our digital platform, training, and support at no cost.

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